When you’re love sick. You block out everyone. You feel so tired, because you haven’t slept in forever. You know that he’ll be in your dreams, but you don’t want to stay awake laying in bed crying either. You’re starving, but you can’t eat because you’re starving for him. And every memory just leaves a bigger hole in your heart. Even your clothes remind you of him… what you wore when you hung out. You can still smell him all over them, even though his scent hasn’t been there for long. You wish his scent would be stuck on you, but you know you’d be pulling at your skin trying to get him off you. You’re online, he signs on, and you want to yell at him to go away, but you just watch the screen waiting for him to say anything, but then he signs off, and you tear yourself apart for not saying anything to him. You stop talking to your friends,
and they get worried and try comforting you, but they just make you feel worse because they think they know, but they don’t… they don’t have a damn clue.
esta mesmo querido o texto ,esta completamente com uma simplicidade e um sentimento enorme. até eu o senti a ler (ou a ver a tradução -.-)
minha inês<3
and then you think that they really don't have a damn clue but in any case, they are friends, and friends are for anything, even things that they don't fell yet because a friendship is based on love, and they really loves you, like I do.
palavras podem não haver, mas gestos há.
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